1. Goal: The goal of the COMSEP RSC is to promote and facilitate educational research and scholarship in our organization and equip members to engage in high-quality research and scholarship.
  2. General Description: This collaborative is a home for members who are active in research and educational scholarship or who are interested in improving their skills in these areas.  The membership has a wide range of experience which allows for inherent mentorship with respect to gaining these skills.
  3. Activities: The activities of this collaborative include:
    • Assist the annual meeting committee with organizing the platform, Professor Rounds, Works in Progress and poster sessions of COMSEP members' research and innovations for the annual meeting.
    • Provide and distribute feedback in the abstract review process and after all presentations.
    • Provide a forum to discuss ongoing and future research projects.
    • Propose one or more workshops about educational research and scholarship at each COMSEP meeting.
    • Foster collaboration among COMSEP members to produce scholarly work by encouraging and facilitating multi-institutional research projects, systematic reviews and workshops presented at COMSEP and other national meetings.
    • Collaborate with other national organizations, such as the GEA, APA, AAMC, PAS and ACE, in promoting high quality educational scholarship.

We welcome suggestions, questions and ideas from all COMSEP members. 

Leaders: Helen Wang, Esther Chung, Margaret Huntwork, Marieka Helou & Nathan Gollehon

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