- Goal: The goals of the COMSEP PFDC are to enhance the professional development of COMSEP members and to assist members in their efforts to improve teaching in their home institutions.
- General Description: The PFDC exists to assist in the workshop selection for the annual meeting, support the development of COMSEP members, and facilitate COMSEP members’ ability to promote education at their home institutions. This collaborative also welcomes all who are interested in the development of creative activities to improve the teaching skills of medical student educators.
- Activities: The activities of the PFDC include:
- Facilitate professional development of COMSEP members: as they join as new members and as they develop their careers over time.
- Organize and manage the topic tables at the designated networking luncheon at the annual COMSEP meeting.
- Provide assistance and resources to enhance the skills of educators.
Leaders: Jeremy Middleton, Anna Suessman, Lawrence Ma