Pediatric Preclerkship Strategies and Recommendations

Goals:   During the preclerkship curriculum, all medical students, regardless of ultimate career choice should:

  1. Participate in the care of patients of all ages in order to gain a foundational  understanding of pediatric health and disease processes
  2. Experience pediatric conditions embedded into the basic science curriculum
  3. Gain exposure to children of various ages and their families to enhance communication and physical exam skills


1. Learn pediatric clinical content in the context of basic science learning
2. Practice pediatric physical exam maneuvers with age appropriate techniques on different age groups
3. Recognize the different components of and approaches to a pediatric history on different age groups
4. Practice communication with a child and his/her caregiver
5. Recognize there are different preventative medicine strategies for children according to age
6. Identify barriers to healthcare and the community and healthcare team resources available for children and families 

Examples of Pre-Clerkship Learning Activities by Pre-Clerkship Objective