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April 2-5, 2025 | JW Marriott | Indianapolis, IN

Getting Our Learners to the Checkered Flag

While Reflecting on the Race!

The COMSEP annual meeting is a wonderful opportunity for educators and educational administrators to learn from each other through workshops, mentoring sessions, research presentations, collaborative meetings, as well as through networking and sharing ideas! Participants leave a COMSEP meeting energized by interactions with creative, enthusiastic, and like-minded educators, and carry great ideas back to their home institutions. Please consider joining us this year in Indianapolis!

2025 Meeting Registration Prices 

Member Pricing Early Bird

Closes March 3


Closes March 31


Closes April 5

Faculty $875.00 $920.00 $965.00
Administrator $550.00 $595.00 $640.00
Trainee $150.00 $200.00 $250.00
Emeritus $375.00 $420.00 $465.00
Non-Member Pricing Early Bird Regular Onsite
Faculty $1,375.00 $1420.00 $1,465.00
Administrator $700.00 $745.00 $790.00
Trainee $150.00 $200.00 $250.00