URiM Opportunities in Pediatrics
APPD and COMSEP are collaborating to create a listing of pediatric residency programs who are offering URiM visiting and virtual electives for students. To view opportunities, select the button below.
Add Your Program!
Submit your URiM visiting and virtual elective program information to APPD. In your submission, please note the name of your program and web link. Please allow up to one week for your submission to be posted.
APPD URiM Mentoring Map
What is the Map
The APPD Underrepresented in Medicine (URiM) Mentoring Map highlights experiential STEM programs nationwide for URIM students from kindergarten to undergraduate/pre-medical level. These programs are pathways to promote self-efficacy and increase the number of URiM STEM learners and future scientists.
How to find a program
The interactive map allows users to zoom in/out, or search by Zip Code, for nearby programs. Listed programs vary in length and cost - please select each program icon for details
How to add a program