To nominate someone or yourself, you will need to submit a CV of the nominated individual as well as a statement of why this person would be a strong candidate, their involvement in COMSEP, experience leading projects and/or teams, and how they would contribute to our goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion (max 250 words). If you are nominating someone, please make sure to notify them.
The deadline to submit nominations: December 4, 2024.
The COMSEP elections will open at the end of January, and close early March so that new officers may be certified prior to the 2025 COMSEP Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, IN. (April 2-5, 2025).
President Elect (1)
- Serves a two-year term as president elect, followed by two-year term as president and then a two-year term as past president
- As President Elect, member of the EC, leads projects that the President and President-Elect decide upon, leads communications with Collaboratives, attends monthly EC calls; stands ready to assume the position of President after 90 days in office.
- As President presides over all the business of COMSEP and serves as the official spokesperson of the Executive Committee; liaises with other organizations, leads the implementation of strategic plan.
- As Past President, serves as chair of the Nominations and Awards Committee and member of Annual Meeting Committee, stands ready to assume the position of President within the first 90 day of office.
- Anticipated time commitment: 6-8 hours per month
Executive Committee Member at Large (2)
- Serves a three-year term as one of seven at large members of the Executive Committee
- Meets in person twice annually with the Executive Committee
- Participates in monthly conference calls of the Executive Committee
- Works on projects that the President and EC member decide upon
- Anticipated time commitment: 3-4 hours per month
Nominations and Awards Committee Member at Large (1)
- Serves a two-year term as a member of the Nominations and Awards Committee,
which is chaired by the Past President - Collects nominations for elected positions, reviews nomination packets,
proposes and finalizes the election slate with input from the President - Conducts the election and announces the winners
- Collects nominations for awards, reviews the nomination packets, selects the winners
- Anticipated time commitment: 1-2 hours per month (majority of work occurs between October – April)